Home / Unicorns Profis zu Gast bei den Merlins

Unicorns Profis zu Gast bei den Merlins


Die Schwäbisch Hall Unicorns sind ein American-Football-Team aus Schwäbisch Hall in Baden-Württemberg.Die Mannschaft wurde 1983 gegründet und zählt damit zu den ältesten noch existierenden deutschen American-Football-Mannschaften.

Bereits seit einigen Monaten wurde der Kontakt zwischen den Verantwortlichen der beiden erfolgreichsten Sportteams der Region intensiviert um Erfahrungen und Ideen auszutauschen. Da es im Kader beider Teams auch diverse Spieler gibt die Fans der jeweils anderen Sportart sind, statteten uns die beiden Unicorns Profis Cody Pastorino und Will Powel kürzlich einen Besuch beim Heimspiel in der Arena Hohenlohe ab.

Nach einer Hallenführung durch unseren Projekt Manager Tom Nittel, der in seiner Freizeit selbst als Footballtrainer aktiv ist, fanden die beiden US-Boys nach dem Spiel noch etwas Zeit sich mit unserem Pressepraktikant Chris Brückner-Melber über die gesammelten Eindrücke und das Team der Merlins zu unterhalten.

chris melberChris: Hey Guys, I hope you enjoyed the Game. How did you like our Arena and the atmosphere?

unicornsCody: I thought the atmosphere was awesome. You can see right away the Merlins fans love their team. The new stadium is amazing and the vibe and energy outside during pre-game reminded us of big-time basketball games back in the US.

unicornsWill: The fans seemed to be very knowledgeable about basketball and showed great support for the Merlins which was great to see. The environment in the arena was loud and exciting, definitely giving the Merlins a home court advantage.

chris melberChris: The Unicorns have a large Fan base as well, so you are used to a big audience at Gamedays. What is the biggest difference between 2000 Fans on a Football field and 2000 Fans in a Gym?

unicornsCody: The difference between the fans being in a gym rather than out on a field is it allows the fans to be closer to the game as well as the sound cannot escape as easily as when you are outside. There were times you could not even hear the whistle from the official and that’s a compliment to the Merlins fans!

unicornsWill: I couldn’t believe how full the arena was, especially because Crailsheim is not a huge city. The atmosphere at the Merlins game was fantastic.

chris melberChris: What do you think are the chances for Crailsheim to remain in the BBL?

unicornsWill: If the squad can continue to improve every game then I think they will win a lot of games in the future. The entire organization is very well-run with plenty of assets to stay and win in the 1st league. The Merlins have a lot of potential for success in the 1st league.

unicornsCody: I believe the Merlins definitely have a chance to compete in the league. They played some very good teams and when they were clicking it was a very competitive basketball which shows me the Merlins can play with anybody. Just have to continue and they will be in the mix at the end of the season! Can’t wait to catch another game soon!

Bericht und Foto Chris Brückner-Melber

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